Bob F.

I started this journey in January of 2020. That day I weighed in at a whopping 387lbs. I met with a Bariatric doctor and discussed my options. They challenged me to start dieting that day. I quit soda, fast food, and most carbs. I got a letter shortly after saying the doctor I met with was shutting down his practice and I needed to find another doctor. I met with Dr. Snow a couple of weeks later. I had a very similar discussion with him and we decided the Gastric Sleeve would be the best option for me, and we thought a one-year goal weight of 220lbs would be doable. My surgery got scheduled and rescheduled a couple of times due to COVID, but on June 3rd, 2020 I had my procedure. On that day I weighed 324lbs. I followed the doctor’s plan and trusted the process and was at my goal weight by December. Today was my 1 year follow up and today I weighed in at 195lbs. That’s a loss of 192lbs since the beginning of my journey.