Iron Deficiency Anemia

What is iron deficiency anemia? Anemias can be caused by several different conditions but is defined as a decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBCs). Iron deficiency anemia occurs when there is too little iron to make the hemoglobin in red blood cells. Hemoglobin is a protein within the red blood cells that […]
Eating Healthy on a Budget

With grocery prices continuing to rise, it’s important to know what are some healthy foods that can be cheaper and versatile in various meals. Here’s some examples: Generally Cheaper Macro Nutrient Options: Protein: Eggs, Canned Tuna, Whole chicken, Tofu, Flank/Tri tip Steak Carbs: Lentils, Potatoes, Beans, Oats Fats: Sunflower Seeds, Peanuts, Extra Virgin Olive Oil […]
About Our New Medical Weight Loss Program

We are excited to announce that we have recently started a Medical Weight Loss Program at St. Louis Bariatrics for patients that are wanting a non-surgical weight loss tool. Those who have a BMI of 27 with a co-morbid condition, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, or sleep apnea, may qualify along with those who […]
Survival Gains After Bariatric Surgery

Weight loss surgery provides so many benefits above a slimmer body. Yes, losing significant weight can help you look better and fit into the clothes you love. But that’s just the beginning of the many ways bariatric surgery can improve your life: it can also improve or resolve diabetes, lower cholesterol, reduce dangers of heart […]
Colonoscopy Myths and Facts

A Colonoscopy is one of the safest and most effective ways to detect colorectal cancers and precancerous polyps. The American Cancer Society recommends that everyone start regular screening for colorectal cancer at the age of 45, while people with risk factors should get screened earlier. Dr. Jay Michael Snow is experienced in performing colonoscopies and […]
Tips for Constipation After Weight Loss Surgery

Are You Having Problems with Constipation? Constipation may occur within the first few weeks after surgery due to decreased water consumption, low fiber intake and less overall diet volume. If you are feeling discomfort, then what you’re experiencing may be normal. For patients having trouble, here are a few tips to help! Stay physically active […]
Weight Loss Surgery Can Improve Your Love Life

At St. Louis Bariatrics, we have the honor of seeing firsthand the many ways that our patients’ lives are improved after bariatric surgery. Beyond health benefits, such as improvement of diabetes, weight loss surgery may improve overall quality of life. In fact, procedures such as gastric sleeve or gastric bypass may even enhance a patient’s […]
Guidelines for Pregnancy after Weight Loss Surgery

Starting or expanding a family is always an exciting time. At St. Louis Bariatrics, we have helped many women who chose to have bariatric surgery before starting a family because they may have had difficulty conceiving due to obesity. For bariatric surgery patients, or for those who are considering weight loss surgery before starting a […]
Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery – The Facts

Anyone who has had weight loss surgery will tell you that it is a journey. Not only is your body undergoing major changes, but bariatric patients are also faced with learning new healthy habits such as proper diet and exercise. At St. Louis Bariatrics we are dedicated to the success of our patients, and one […]